The Industries Our CPAs Specialize In
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach for every industry, and that’s why we always create a custom financial strategy based on our years of expertise and knowledge. Major industries, and the complex accounting that comes with them, are our specialties. We proudly serve clients throughout the U.S. and abroad from our offices in South Florida and South Carolina.
Professional Services
You need expert financial planning, auditing, and advice to help you manage and grow your service business.
Family Offices & Groups
We have solutions that help you organize and centralize the management of your family’s business financials.
Entertainers & Athletes
Our accounting firm understands the unique ebb and flow of your income, and will help ensure stability in the future.
Healthcare & Medical
You need the top-notch accounting and advisory services that are critical in the healthcare industry, known for rapidly changing regulations and standards.
You deserve an accounting firm that understands inventory, asset management, project controls, and everything else that’s unique to construction.
Real Estate
Be assured of comprehensive accounting and financial reporting that’ll help you track economic performance.
Team up with accounting professionals who understand what makes wholesale tick—sales volume, discounts, marketing and selling expenses, and more.
Let’s Work Together
At Superstein PA, we offer a wide range of highly personalized services. Reach out to us today.